Causey Middle School Library
Library Media Specialists Ms. Streety and Ms. Brooks are happy you visited our page today!
Causey Middle School Library Procedures
Our library media center operates on a flexible schedule. Students may come to the library to check out books during their language arts classes with a pass. Students MUST have their ID badges to check in to the library and check out books. Students may still place books on hold, and we will deliver books to their homerooms.
Genres: We are one of the largest libraries in the county, and we were one of the first libraries in the county to move to this modern format. The fiction section of the library is set up like a bookstore and divided into different genre sections. We believe this will help increase circulation and help students find books that fit their interests. We all know that the only way to become a better reader is to read, and it is our hope that by providing students easy access to books that pique their interests, we can build better readers. Every book has been color coded identifying the genre, marked in the library catalog with that corresponding genre, and then moved into its genre section. We encourage you to have genre conversations in your classes. The genre labels on the books do not have to be permanent, if a student feels strongly and would like to contest our genre choice for the book, we welcome those conversations. We just want them reading!
eBook resources are always available and we encourage you to use them. Links to instructions and a video tutorial for accessing eBooks are posted above.
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username: causey
password: tigers
EPIC Ebooks
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Free Homework Help Online. Alabama Public Library Service 3 p.m.-Midnight Daily 4th-12th grade and College Introduction English, Math, Social Studies and Science.
http://homeworkalabama.orgWith a library of over 3,800 videos on everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and hundreds of skills to practice. title says it all! Facts, maps, history, and much more about the great state of Alabama!
This site has templates for several writing styles such as APA and MLA.
Ever wonder if what you are copying is legal? What about downloading music? Make sure you know the law on copyright!
The University of West Alabama explains how to correctly use and site research sources.
Find books at your local public library! Some branches are West Regional, Mobile (Main and Local History), Moore Branch-Springhill, Saraland, Semmes, Trinity Gardens, Parkway Branch,
Research tips for reading and writing.
A free service for the citizens of the great state of Alabama. Find libraries at the University of Alabama, Auburn University, University of South Alabama, Alabama State University and many more.
Public service organization founded by the University of Michigan School of Technology.
An award winning reference site, Library Spot is a free virtual library resource for educators and students. It also has a homework link.
Cool Math
Fun math and puzzle games.
Book Club Sites
For Educators! is a free site to help teachers create rubrics for their lessons.
Printable worksheets, lesson plans, rubrics, webquests, games and puzzles.
Use this form to evaluate your websites.
AR and eBooks
Abdo Digital
username: causey
password: tigers
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For Students:
Username: (email/computer username without”)
Password: Uppercase First initial, lowercase last initial, date of birth (2-digit month, 2-digit day, 4-digit year)
Group Username: mcpss
EPIC Ebooks
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